
Daruma dolls, often simply referred to as “Daruma,” are traditional Japanese dolls with cultural and symbolic significance. Here are key features and meanings associated with Daruma:

  1. Appearance: Daruma dolls are typically hollow, round dolls with a weighted bottom, allowing them to return to an upright position when tilted. They have a simple, minimalistic design, often with facial features painted in bold colors.
  2. Color: The most common colors for Daruma dolls are red, but they can also be found in various other colors, each with its own significance:
    • Red: General good luck and protection.
    • White: Purity, happiness, and positivity.
    • Gold: Wealth and prosperity.
    • Green: Family safety and good health.
  3. Facial Features: Daruma dolls have distinctive facial features. The eyes are often left blank when purchased. The tradition is to fill in one eye when setting a goal or making a wish, and the other eye is filled in once the goal is achieved.
  4. Wishing Tradition: Daruma dolls are often used as a talisman for goal-setting and achieving objectives. The process involves the following steps:
    • The person sets a specific goal or makes a wish while filling in one of the eyes.
    • The Daruma is placed in a visible location to serve as a constant reminder of the goal.
    • Once the goal is achieved, the second eye is filled in to express gratitude for the fulfillment of the wish.
  5. New Year Tradition: Many people in Japan purchase new Daruma dolls at the beginning of each year. It is a common practice to return the previous year’s Daruma to the temple for a ceremonial burning.
  6. Cultural Significance: The Daruma doll has cultural ties to Buddhism and is associated with the Bodhidharma, the founder of Zen Buddhism. The round shape is said to symbolize perseverance, resilience, and the ability to return to an upright position despite being knocked down.
  7. Gifts: Daruma dolls are often given as gifts to encourage friends or family to pursue their goals. The act of giving a Daruma is seen as a gesture of support and good wishes.

Daruma dolls have a rich cultural history and are deeply embedded in Japanese traditions related to goal-setting, perseverance, and achieving success. They are a meaningful and symbolic part of Japanese folk culture.

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