Vermilion Torii Gates at Fushimi Inari Shrine
Fushimi Inari Shrine (伏見稲荷大社) is an important Shinto shrine in southern of Kyoto. Well known as thousand of torii gates lined up into the forest of Inari Mountain. The trail span 4 kilometres and take approximately 2 hours to walk up.
Inari was originally and remains primarily the kami of good harvests, business success, industry growth, traffic safety, and success in your life. Foxes (kitsune), regarded as the messengers, are often found in Inari shrines. One attribute is a key (for the rice granary) in their mouths.
Access by Train :
Fushimi Inari Shrine is located just outside JR Inari Station, the second station from Kyoto Station along the JR Nara Line, 150 yen one way from Kyoto Station.
Open time and fee :
No closing day and open all day, free for admission.
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About the author : Chantip Sor